fine art
sketches and illustrations
willie woolly | fibre art
My name is Robyn Reid and I'm a self-taught mixed media artist and mother living in the beautiful seaside village of Qualicum Beach, Vancouver Island. For as long as I can recall, the human face has captured my imagination more than anything else. My parents tell me that I started drawing faces soon after I learned to hold a pencil. I ditched my pencil for a paintbrush when I was around twelve years old, and it remains my favorite tool for creative expression. We all arrive to life hardwired for different things. In my case, it seems I have always had an inherent, deep down passion for capturing images of the human face using pencil, pen, paint and paper. In an ever changing life, this passion has remained static.
I paint for myself. I paint portraits of faces that inspire me in a profound way. Sometimes they're familiar, famous faces. Often, they're not. During the creative process I usually find that the image I'm painting becomes much like a mirror, and shows me something about myself that I hadn't seen or recognized before.
Since becoming a mother in 2017, my artistic focus has shifted, and I now spend much of my time on work of a more whimsical nature, including illustrations and fibre art. To view more of this work, please visit